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How to Predict the Future and Get the Best Out of Probabilities

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How to Predict the Future and Get the Best Out of Probabilities

Until this day nobody knows, for sure, what the thought is made of, and what logic is. We do have some theories and concepts around it but at this point nothing is for certain. However, we can come up with a few logical answers if we carefully observe around us.

Why Do We Have A Brain?

One theory suggests that our brains are evolved to predict the future. Here’s the reason why!

If we accept the theory of evolution as reality, and we trace back to where there were no humans or even complex creatures, only basic ones. Then the brain was evolved to help the creature predict danger. It would tell him that if you go straight that way, there’s a hunter creature, so you should be careful. In a sense this is predicting the future. So it is possible that our brain was made to predict the future.

If it is so, then we should have no problem predicting the future, right? No, the complexity of life and the events that happen around us, makes it almost impossible to track them, which in turn makes it hard to predict what’s going to happen, although some can, in a bigger picture predict the future. Anyway.

Can The Future Be Predicted?

If the future can be predicted, then what are the odds that what happens could happen?

Let’s say a bird falls from the sky, what are the odds that it will fall on someone’s head? The odds are 100%, for everything is arranged in a way that it will fall on that someone. Meaning that with the right calculations and logical mind, we can predict a future which seems absolutely random.

What are the odds that my name would be what it is now? It is only amateur to take all the names out there and say, the odds are couple of million(or whatever it is) to one. The odds of my name being what it is, is 100% for there’s the back story of my name. It didn’t fall down from the sky, given the experiences that my parents had and what they thought are what gave me my name, that is no matter of a coincidence nor it is decided, it is what it is, there are no odds, only logical consequences. Each thought that you have is attracted by the previous thought and attracts the next one. With this in mind, everything makes sense.

One example which makes absolutely no sense, is when someone start saying that you’re lucky, because the odds of you being born is couple billion to one. That is freaking absurd and it only makes sense if you don’t like thinking and if the guy spitting this idea, speaks with confidence. That is a most unlogical concept, and I’ll let the reason for you to come up with.

Can We Do Anything On Random?

A Zen master gave his disciples a piece of paper and a pen, then told them to draw dots on the paper without logic, a complete set of dots which have no logic and connection to the previous dots. This is a task which is almost impossible to accomplish. For every time we put a dot, we start arranging it with the previous one and its position on the paper, even when we start changing it’s position we change it with some logic in mind.

Even a draw of a dice is not random, should you repeat everything just as you did the previous time it will give the same results, it randomness depends on the change of the elements (position, draw style etc…)

How Can We Predict the Future?

Virtually it is possible, it’s possible that we can predict the future! Or we should rather say we can see the future, for if we take all the tiny-mini elements into consideration it is no longer a matter of prediction but a matter of seeing and understanding. However, one factor which makes it all more difficult each day is the fact that everything gets more complex each day.

As the observation shows, at this exact moment, more things happen in one second than of that in which happened in 13 Billion years. It took more time for a one cell to be evolved, than it took humanity to develop a cellular. Of course to develop a cellular man kind had to go through all the stages of a one cell, but still my point is that the complexity gets tougher and tougher.

For us to see the future, we need to evolve as fast as the complexity evolves.

The journey of one’s life is a cycle. A basketball player at the age of 10, goes through the same experiences as when he becomes an NBA player. Only now he’s in a bigger league. He practices day and night, yet he still misses shots, and he still can’t dribble all the players, because as his strength and skills grow his challenges grow as well.

The point is, everything shall repeat itself, only in a bigger form, this much we can predict.


Nothing is random, there’s order in randomness, but still, we don’t know if it’s for a certain purpose!

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